Saturday 16 November 2013

Bolt Action Index

Now where is that rule?
I have found it frustrating trying to find things in the rulebook so created a 2 page index. I just printed it double-sided and slipped it into the book as a bookmark. Now I can quickly find the important rule I usually mis-remembered.

I have tried to include many items via a number of different ways - e.g. Buildings, entering buildings, Assaulting Buildings, and so on.

I did some play testing by playing a game. Each time I wanted to look up a rule, I wanted to find it first time. For example, the outflanking rule can be found under Flanking and Outflanking.

Let me know if I have missed anything.

Here is the Bolt Action Index PDF.


  1. As a newbie this one is going to be a tremendous aide. I cannot tell you how many times I have looked up something and then could not recall where it was. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Every time we need to look up a rule we are saving time. I am glad it is of help to you too.



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